How Do I Care for My Elderly Relative’s Eczema?

Home Health Care in Clark County VA: Elderly Eczema

Home Health Care in Clark County VA: If you’ve noticed excessive dry skin on your aging relative’s face, arms, chest or back, it’s possible they’ve developed eczema. Eczema is just one of several skin conditions that are common in elderly adults and if left untreated, can be irritating, painful and even develop into ulcers.

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Make Sure Your Single Parent Knows About Romance Scams

Senior Care in Clark County VA: Senior Romance Scams

Senior Care in Clark County VA: Your mom or dad is single. The topic of dating may not be the most comfortable, but seniors who reenter the world of dating can be prey to scammers. Take steps to make sure your mom or dad is aware of romance scams and how to identify them.

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Tips for Reducing Your Parent’s Fall Risk in Their Daily Life

Home Care Services in Manassas City VA:Reducing Senior Fall Risks

Home Care Services in Manassas City VA: As a family caregiver, protecting your aging parent from falls is likely one of your primary focuses in your care routine. You have likely recognized hazardous areas in their home and made meaningful modifications to their surroundings to help them stay safer, such as installing a stairlift and adding grab bars throughout their home.

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Getting Your Siblings Involved in Your Aging Parent’s Care During Order Groceries Online Month

Elderly Care in Frederick County VA: Order Groceries Online Month

Elderly Care in Frederick County VA: As a family caregiver, having siblings can be a tremendous source of help. Involving your siblings in the care of your aging parent is a fantastic way to not only take some of the burdens off of yourself, easing your stress and opening up your schedule, but it is also beneficial for your senior.

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Family Caregivers Should Consider Respite Care

Senior Care in Loudoun County VA: Caregiver Respite Care

Senior Care in Loudoun County VA: Family caregivers are the ones who step in and assist their elderly loved-one with daily tasks. However, these duties can become overwhelming and interfere with other responsibilities like a job, spouse, children and more. Respite Care may be the answer.

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