What Are the Best Ways to Manage Bad Behavior from Your Aging Adult?

Elder Care in Culpeper County VA: Managing Bad Senior Behavior

Elder Care in Culpeper County VA: Some health conditions and even just the process of aging can make your senior family member prone to acting out in a variety of ways. That might be through verbal outbursts or even physical behaviors that are upsetting to you. Here are some ways to cope.

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Do You Know What To Do When Your Elderly Relative Falls?

Home Health Care in Warren County VA: Senior Falls

Home Health Care in Warren County VA: Did you know that falls are the leading cause of injury and death for elderly people in the United States? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, around 30 million seniors fall each year at home, senior care centers and other places in their community.

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What Do Dementia Experts Say About Therapeutic Lying

Elder Care in Manassas City VA: Therapeutic Lying

Elder Care in Manassas City VA: Many family caregivers with elderly parents who have dementia are forced to examine their feelings about therapeutic lying. This is the practice of going along with a demented person’s version of reality, presumably for their own good during elderly care.

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Raising Awareness During National Alzheimer’s Disease Month

Home Care Services in Frederick County VA: National Alzheimer’s Disease Month

Home Care Services in Frederick County VA: Alzheimer’s disease affects more than 5 million people in the United States, with more than 15 million caregivers that provide unpaid support and care. The degenerative brain disease has no cure and is the sixth leading cause of death in the country.

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The Importance of Follow-Up After Cancer Treatment

Home Care Services in Loudoun County VA: Cancer Treatment Follow-Up

Home Care Services in Loudoun County VA: The day that your aging parent completes their treatment plan for thyroid cancer is extremely exciting. They had gone through a difficult journey and are on the road toward reclaiming and improving their health.

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What is Gout?

Senior Care in Frederick County VA: What Is Gout?

Senior Care in Frederick County VA: Gout is a form of arthritis that causes inflammation and sudden attacks of severe pain. The attacks can be so severe that they can wake a person up at night. If gout is not treated, the attacks recur and can lead to damaged joints and other tissues.

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