Outdoor Fall-Prevention Tips for the Fall Season

Home Health Care in Culpeper County VA: Fall Prevention Tips

Home Health Care in Culpeper County VA: Each year millions of elderly adults experience falls. Hundreds of thousands of these will suffer serious injuries that can result in hospitalization and lingering negative effects that compromise their health, well-being, and quality of life into the future.

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How Can You Keep Your Aging Adult Involved in Her Care?

Home Care Services in Reston VA: Keeping Your Senior Involved In Her Care

Home Care Services in Reston VA: A common problem for family caregivers can be that their aging adults become passive in their own caregiving journey. This is especially a problem toward the end of the journey or when your aging family member has other issues, such as dementia.

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Should You Get Dad a Mobility Scooter?

Home Care Services in Winchester City VA: Senior Mobility

Home Care Services in Winchester City VA: Sometimes getting out and about with a senior parent can be difficult. Seniors with mobility issues may not be able to walk for very long before getting tired. They might also experience pain after spending any significant time on their feet.

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Five Reasons Home Care is Ideal for Alzheimer’s

Homecare in Clark County VA: Alzheimer's Care

Homecare in Clark County VA: Alz.org believes up to 16 million American’s could be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in the next 33 years. Currently, more than 5 million have the disease. Your mom has Alzheimer’s.You know what it’s like from the viewpoint of family caregiver.

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Do You Need Immunizations as a Caregiver for Your Senior?

Elder Care in Warren County VA: Caregiver Immunizations

Elder Care in Warren County VA: Getting immunizations can be one of the most important steps that your parent can take to help them preserve their health and well-being throughout their later years. As a family caregiver, however, it is important that you also understand the value of immunizations for you.

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