Growing Succulents Indoors


Home Care in Winchester City VA: Houseplants can brighten up a home and add beauty to the decor. For elderly adults living at home, growing an indoor “garden” can be a fun and stimulating hobby as well as a great way to keep the house looking beautiful.

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6 Risk Factors that Contribute to Complicated Grief


Caregiver in Clark County VA: Most of the time you can’t know how your loved one is going to react to a loss. In the case of a condition called complicated grief, however, there are some warning signs that can alert you to the fact that your loved one might have more difficulty dealing with large losses than the average person might.

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What Emergency Response Skills Should You Have for Your Home Care Journey?


Home Care in Arlington County VA: When you are on a home care journey with your elderly parent, it is important that you feel as prepared as possible to handle any emergencies that might arise. While you hope that you will never have to encounter any such emergency in the course of your care with him, ignoring the potential could put your loved one in very serious danger.

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Ideas for Useful Easter Gifts for Your Seniors


Home Care in Manassas City VA: One of the most beneficial parts of being on a home care journey with your aging loved one is the opportunity that it affords you to spend quality time with her and to make precious memories while doing things like celebrating holidays.

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The Importance of Taking a Step Back from Your Elder Care Duties and Giving Yourself a Break


Elder Care in Prince William County: How would you react if your management team at your career asked you to work 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, without breaks or vacations, and that you had to always been on call even if you were at home, expected to stop whatever you are doing in order to fulfill a need that arises?

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Caregiver Stress: Easing Stress by Playing with Clay

Caregivers in Manassas VA

Caregivers in Manassas VA: Sensory therapy is an extremely popular therapeutic approach in the senior care community, gaining momentum since its development in the 1960s and becoming one of the most prevalent and versatile forms of therapy available.

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