Can Physical Therapy Help Seniors Learn How to Fall Safely?

Physical Therapy in Culpeper County VA

Physical Therapy in Culpeper County VA

Falls are something that every senior needs to think about and prepare for in every way possible. If seniors do experience a fall, they’re twice as likely to experience another one and each fall brings with it the possibility of complications. Seniors can injure themselves, experience reduced mobility, and face impacts that last the rest of their lives. Physical therapy can offer them targeted training and exercises to help them become stronger, hopefully avoid a fall, and learn to fall more safely if they do end up falling.

Understanding the Risk of Falling for Seniors

Factors like decreased muscle strength, balance problems, and slowed reflexes increase the risk that seniors might fall. For seniors, even a small slip or trip can lead to some serious issues. Fractures, head injuries, and even life-long disability are all possible. If seniors experience a near miss with a fall or are simply afraid they’ll fall, that can cause them to reduce their physical activity, increasing their fall risk.

Physical Therapy and Falling Techniques

Of course, the main way to help seniors who are at risk of falling is to help them establish fall prevention plans and to become physically stronger. Because it’s impossible to completely eliminate the chance that seniors will fall, it’s important for them to know how to fall safely and physical therapists can help. Physical therapists assess each patient’s needs and work with them to develop a plan for reducing fall risk.

Helping Seniors Get Stronger and More Flexible

When seniors are stronger and their joints are more flexible, they’re less likely to fall. Physical therapy helps seniors to start where they are and work with the main muscle groups that can help them to reduce fall risk, like the legs, core, and back. The stronger seniors become, the easier it is for them to remain mobile.

Improving Balance and Coordination

Balance training is another huge area for aging adults. Physical therapists work with patients to determine where they experience trouble with balance so they can work on correcting those issues. Improving balance can also improve reaction time, making it more likely that seniors can avoid obstacles.

Simulating Real-life Scenarios

Physical therapists can help their patients to learn how to handle real-life situations they might find themselves in regularly. Because these simulations are in a safe, controlled environment, seniors can learn how to respond if they do trip or run into an obstacle. Physical therapists focus on the situations that are most likely to cause problems for their patients.

Benefits of Fall Training

Fall training through physical therapy can help seniors to take fall prevention more seriously. They learn a lot about home safety modifications and techniques they can use at home to reduce the risk of falling. Physical therapy also helps seniors to get back into moving regularly, helping them stay strong and mobile.

It’s always most important for seniors to avoid a fall. But the next best solution is for them to know what to do if they should fall and physical therapy can help seniors to get personalized fall training they can put to good use.

If you or an aging loved one are considering physical therapy in Culpeper County, VA, please contact the caring staff at LivinRite Home Care. Serving Northern Virginia, The Valley, and Surrounding Communities – call us today at (703) 369-6677.

Julie McCormick, Co-Owner