Can Strokes Be Prevented?

A stroke happens when the blood supply to the brain is blocked or reduced. The result is damage to areas of the brain, which can result in a variety of problems depending on the part of the brain that was affected.


Elderly Care in Culpeper County VA: Stroke Prevention

Elderly Care in Culpeper County VA: Stroke Prevention


Just by getting older, your aging relative increases their risk of stroke. However, that doesn’t have to mean a stroke is inevitable. There are many ways to reduce the risk of a stroke and perhaps prevent one from ever occurring. Below are some tips for preventing stroke.


Keep Blood Pressure in a Healthy Range

Having high blood pressure can increase the risk of stroke by up to 4 times the usual risk. In fact, it is considered one of the biggest risk factors for stroke. Because high blood pressure doesn’t have any noticeable symptoms, the only way for your older family member to know if they have high blood pressure is to have it checked. If the doctor has prescribed medication or suggested other means of reducing blood pressure, it’s important that the older adult follows the doctor’s advice.


Quit Smoking

Seniors who use tobacco are putting themselves at increased risk for stroke. Nicotine increases blood pressure and cigarette smoke thickens blood and damages arteries, making it harder to pump blood throughout the body, including to the brain.


Lose Weight

Being overweight contributes to many of the risk factors that raise the risk for stroke, including high blood pressure. Losing just 10 pounds can make a difference. A doctor can help your aging relative to determine what a healthy weight is for them. To encourage weight loss, be sure the senior eats healthy meals and increases their physical activity.



In addition to helping the senior lose weight, exercise also helps to lower high blood pressure. Seniors should aim for 30 minutes of exercise on at least 5 days of the week. Some tips for increasing exercise are:

  • Take a walk each morning after breakfast.
  • Exercise with a friend.
  • If the older adult cannot exercise for 30 minutes straight, break it up into three 10-minute sessions.


Treat Sleep Apnea

Ask the doctor if your aging relative should be screened for sleep apnea. If they do, receiving treatment, such as using a CPAP at night, can help to lower stroke risk.

Elder care can assist your older family member to reduce their stroke risk. Elder care providers can prepare healthy meals that promote weight loss. Elder care providers can also help the senior to exercise more by taking walks with them and assisting them to exercise. If the doctor prescribes medication for high blood pressure, an elder care provider can remind the older adult to take them at the proper times.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Elderly Care in Culpeper County, VA, please contact the caring staff at LivinRite Home Care.
Call Us Today at (703) 634-9991.



Julie McCormick, Co-Owner
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