Just How Much Could Depression for a Senior Affect Their Safety at Home?
For some seniors, there could be a number of reasons that cause depression or depressive-like symptoms. First and foremost, keep in mind that no one should diagnose themselves or a family member or friend with depression; if there are suspicions of such emotional challenges, they should be encouraged to visit their doctor for a formal diagnosis.
Depression can be the result of numerous factors.
It can be the result of emotional challenges. It could be the result of prescription medications. It could be the result of certain habits, which may include alcoholic consumption, smoking, health issues, and more.
How could depression impact safety for seniors?
If an elderly person is living at home alone, they might become depressed if they are unable to visit with friends, friends are unable or unwilling to visit with them, or they don’t feel that valuable emotional connection to other people. Human beings are social creatures and as such we require and thrive on personal connection.
It’s not just conversations and even touches that can make a significant impact on the emotional frame of mind of individuals of all ages. For example, a simple handshake may seem like a passing thing, but that skin to skin contact can help to release endorphins in the brain, helping to elevate mood and stave off some depressive symptoms.
What if an elderly person is depressed right now?
They should be encouraged to contact their doctor and explain what’s going on. It should not be ignored. If a senior is feeling depressed, he or she may care a lot less about their own safety because, after all, “What difference is it going to make?”
One’s own mortality can become forefront in their thoughts. A person in their late 70s, for example, may not see the point in struggling with physical challenges, health issues, or even limited mobility, especially if they spend every day at home with no one to talk to, nothing to do, and nowhere to look forward to visiting.
If they don’t care about themselves, are they really going to care about having grab bars installed in and around the shower or tub to prevent them from falling? Are they really going to be focused on their safety on steps going up and down to do laundry or get something up from the basement?
When a person is depressed, they often care less about themselves. If that happens for a senior, they may simply not care about their safety any longer. That’s why it’s time to encourage them to get medical and professional help.
If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Homecare in Winchester City, VA, please contact the caring staff at LivinRite Home Care. Call Us Today at (703) 634-9991.
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