What You Should Know During Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month
Home Health Care in Manassas City VA: June is Alzheimer’s and brain awareness month. As a family caregiver, this is the ideal time for you to learn more about Alzheimer’s disease and its warning sign, so you can be prepared to give your senior to care they need if this disease becomes a part of their life during their later years.
Read MoreWhy Might Your Parent Be More Vulnerable to Hip Fracture?
Senior Care in Clark County VA: When considering the risk for suffering a hip fracture, you might immediately think of obvious issues such as osteoporosis and mobility challenges.
Read MoreHealthy Vision Month and Aging Loved Ones
Senior Care in Culpeper County VA: Our eyes deliver so much information to our brains about the world around us, yet they are too often neglected when it comes to their health and wellness.
Read MoreUsing Good Bacteria in the Fight Against Eczema
Senior Care in Loudoun County VA: Eczema, which is sometimes called atopic dermatitis, is a condition that causes the skin to get itchy and red. Although it happens most often in children, it can affect people at any age, including into their senior years.
Read MoreWhat Should You Look for in Terms of Safe Flooring?
Home Care Services in Arlington County VA: Keeping your senior safe at home often involves starting from the ground up with what’s on her floor.
Read MoreTips for Keeping Your Senior’s Indoor Air Healthier
Home Health Care in Arlington County VA: The Environmental Protection Agency routinely states that indoor air pollution is a top five environmental danger. The average home is several times more polluted than outdoor air, with some homes containing as much as a hundred times more potent than outdoor air.
Read MoreItems You Might Not Think of to Keep In Your Car as a Caregiver
Home Care Services in Prince William County VA: Preparedness is one of the most important tools that you can have as a family caregiver. It is extremely important to be prepared for the challenges and issues that you might face as you are caring for your parent, both when you know that they are coming and when they are unexpected.
Read More5 Ways to Prevent Loneliness in Aging Parents
Homecare in Arlington County VA: When elderly people are isolated from friends and family and have no real outlet for socializing, they can struggle with feelings of loneliness. Often, seniors find that they are battling sadness and empty feelings that threaten to overwhelm them.
Read MoreFour Ways to Take the Stress Out of an Emergency Trip to the Hospital
Home Care Services in Clark County VA: You never want to accompany your parent to the emergency room, but it happens. When it does, the stress can be excessive.
Read MoreHow Can You Help a Nervous Bather?
Homecare in Prince William County VA: As your senior gets older, bathing can become a little more frightening.
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