First Warning Signs of Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes can usually be managed with lifestyle changes. Some of these symptoms happen fairly slowly, and may not always be noticeable at first. Find Home Care in Winchester City, VA.
Read MoreWhat Can Home Health Care Consist Of?
If you have never dealt with Home Health Care before, you may wonder what it consists of. Find out from Home Health Care in Clark County, VA.
Read MoreHow Seniors With Limited Vision Can Age In Place
Macular degeneration, cataracts, and other common eye conditions that affect the elderly make it difficult for seniors to safely age in place in their homes.
Read More4 Things Seniors Can Do Right Now To Lower The Risk Of Diabetes
More than 15 million seniors have diabetes, and that number grows higher every year. If your senior loved one is at risk of developing diabetes they need to make sure they are doing whatever they can to prevent it.
Read MoreTop Family Caregiver Health Tips
Many family caregivers normally don’t take care of themselves. They spend so much time taking care of their seniors that they don’t have enough energy left to care for themselves.
Read MoreDiscover the Benefits of Home Health Care After a Fall
As she’s gotten older, your mom’s balance seems to worsen each month. When she started taking blood pressure medications, she started falling frequently.
Read MoreHappy CNA Week!
Join LivinRite in celebrating national CNA week! Thank you for all the lives you touch.
Read MoreFive Reasons Your Senior Might Want to Try Audiobooks
Could audiobooks be just the right choice for your senior? Because June is Audiobook Appreciation Month, you might want to consider finding options that help your senior to enjoy listening to audiobooks more often.
Read MoreWhen Is It Time to Consider Home Care Assistance?
One of your biggest fears is that your mom will fall or become ill and not be able to reach a phone to get help. You live on the other side of the country, so you can’t stop by.
Read MoreTips for Improving Communication Between Alzheimer’s Disease Patient and Others in Their Life
Your elderly loved one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, so now what happens? Well, over time, there will be many symptoms that occur as a result of the degenerative changes that happen to their brain.
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